Monday, January 15, 2018

Around Here

 Around here, there is not much free time but when there is, this girl is drumming and playing piano. She now teaches beginning drumming! She loves teaching young kids and it is a fun way for her to earn money. Don't worry she cleans up the music mess before a student comes... 
 Around here, things are falling apart. The cat loves to micromanage as you can see. Jeff has been busy. After 8 years in this house, we have had to replace the fridge, garbage disposal and dishwasher recently. My camera died today too... Time for some upgrades. 
 Ball kids.. I have lost track on how long Gret has been a ball kid for the OSU women's basketball team. We are guessing 5 years for Greta and 2 years for Fieldin. They do a great job. They were going to take this year off but the coach called.. and you can't say no to such a nice guy :) 
 I love the treasures I find in Fieldin's backpack. Artwork, notes from girls (!) notes from friends, crumpled up multiplication tests, etc.. I can't help but hang up the artwork I find. 
 He is still taking ukulele and cello lessons. I love hearing him play the uke. 
Puzzles. We are still doing lots of puzzles round here. It may become a year round hobby.

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