Saturday, July 23, 2011

Big Boy Wheels

fyi- our puter is dead.. but for some reason tonight it is showing me a moment of mercy so I am doing what I can before it tanks again. So if you don't hear from me for awhile... you know why.
Today I took my bike in for repair and while at the bike shop, Fieldy hopped on a bike and took to it perfectly.. he was ready for a big boy bike. He just started triking maybe a month ago but he has had his eye on the prize.. flashy bike with "extra wheels". He was so excited to get a bike today. He thought it was his birthday and would get angry if we said it wasn't so we let it go and Fieldy had an impromptu birthday. He says his bike "is green and awe...some!"
speeding around street
no joke this was his very first time on it. We thought we may need to teach him a few things and may take him a day or so but he took off down the street... he was crazy fast. I couldn't believe it. The little man can even speed up hill. I think his legs are strong from his other fav thing.. running. He gets in sprint position and says" look at this turbo" and sprints off.. its very entertaining.
Greta said she would show him how to ride a bike and he said" no, I do it myself! it is little"
Big sis giving him a start and some words of encouragement out of the garage. After this he went down the driveway and took off down the road. yep, I guess he was ready.

Chompers Cat Is An Awesome Cat have been with us almot two weeks.. and boy do we love you Chompers Cat, or Cat, Cat which Fieldy calls you.
Saturday nap time
Greta like to hold him like a baby...
tuckered out after play
Chompers loves being read to by Greta.. it is pretty awesome and it puts him to sleep.

What We Eat....

7 1/2 weeks of being vegan.
Alot of people wonder what we eat.. I have to admit once upon a time I wondered the same thing.
Here is today meals..I forgot to photograph breakfast.
Breakfast: cornmeal and spelt marionberry muffin and oj.. and a handful of hazelnuts to fuel my addiction.
lunch: black bean burger on toasted rye bread with avocado, spinach, tomatoes and sliced zucchini. Fruit salad made from berries picked yesterday..blueberries and marionberries and store bought strawberries.
Dinner: wheat, mushroom(crimini, shiitake & portobello), red onion, carrot pilaf on a bed of spinach courtesy of our CSA box...
Dessert: some boysenberry pie from berries picked yesterday.
Snacks: half of a coconut almond milk latte
lavash bread pita chips with rosemary
more hazelnuts... ahem..
handfuls over handful of berries.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Greta's Post Written by Miss Greta Part II

hi i am greta i liv in alvany my cat is nise i like him so mach i love my cat he is a boy

Friday, July 15, 2011

Picking Berries

Today was a blueberry picking day. The kids were sad Chompers couldn't come... Fieldin told me we needed to get Chompers "berry picken' shoes. I think they have them in Seattle" oh my....
Here is Fieldin with his mischief grin. Is it just me or has he changed alot recently? He doesn't look like a toddler anymore:( I noticed today his legs are getting lanky..

Sneaking berries when he didn't think I was looking. Here he's getting into the blackberries. We visited another farm for blackberries, raspberries, cherries and=----------------------------[=(this was chompers on the keyboard... anyway and apricots. I managed to save enough berries to make blackberry jam this evening.
He is our berry's serious business. Greta doesn't care so much...she looked for cute, dainty berries. Fieldin would say" oh no not again..a green berry"
he was showing me how to drop berries into the bucket..
at the berry farm with my helpers.. love these kids.

The Babbitt Cat

Chompers is 2 1/2 mths and been with us a few days and is already part of our family. Chompers has a WSU vet, a WSU blanket and WSU parents so I guess Chompers is a cougar...
These two have a special bond. They are play buddies. Chompers like to hangout on Greta's bed and falls asleep when she reads him stories. He loves her room. It is the only room he visits upstairs. He likes the first level of the house where all his stuff is. He is so quiet, playful and picked a perfect family match Chompers, after all you picked us..
Fieldy told Chompers he needed to" go outside and check on his roses" (you can see him in the distance) so his buddy waited for him. He smelled his roses and came in to tell Chompers" roses smell good, they are all ok."
The Babbitt cat is a lounging cat... He sleeps everywhere but this is his favorite spot.
We adore you chompers. The kids bought you a skull and crossbones collar because you are "ferocious". You look pretty dangerous...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Greta and I Are Outnumbered By Males In Our House- Welcome Chompers!!

Whoops... random photo of our first CSA box!
So we have been waiting for this kitty for a long time. It was the right time to get him, we all could agree, he picked us out really and we are all excited! The kids named him Chompers and he is 3 mths old. He is very mellow, yet very playful.. the perfect kitty for us.

We love him. Me especially :) Fieldin has been waiting days to get him. Every time we get in the car he would ask "Are we going to get a cat?" We had a long discussion about the Human Society and life with the kitty. Fieldin asked if he could bring the cat home in his pocket or if they would put him in a bag.... Then this morning he reminded me to bring my purse so I could carry him home.
Little Chompers. He is fitting in soo well. Fieldin said it is his baby kitty but Greta could pet it and play with it too. This morning Fieldin shot out of bed and said "Lets go get the cat!" We were at the Humane Society right at noon when it opened.
So far Chompers likes to play on his cat scratcher, play with his favorite blue mouse toy, he likes to chase a empty toilet roll by a string and he has already found good nap spots. He is very loving. and is so sweet when he sleeps.
Greta and Chompers..getting kisses. Love you Chomps and welcome to this crazy family! I can tell you are going to like it here.
p.s. I think he is quite the mouser. Good to know. :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fieldin's Joke Of The Day

Fieldin: "Knock Knock"
Greta: "who's there?"
Fieldin:"banana brain"
Greta:"banana brain who?"
Fieldin:"banana brain Greta!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Around Here- Random

Around here, there is alot to catch up on...
Vacation was wonderful. Being home is wonderful.
Fieldin doesn't know what is going on since Jeff has been around home this vacation.
Fieldin: "Is daddy going to work?"
me: "nope"
F: "Is Greta going to school?"
M: nope
F: "Is Fieldin going to mars today?
M: "I don't know are you?"
F:" No.. I will leave in a few days..."
We have been catching up on yard work, not cleaning.
We are enjoying the National Geographic episode, which is our yard.. snakes, beautiful large blue, orange and red dragonflies, butterflies, frogs, birds, baby praying mantis, bird nests, bugs etc. the kids love it.
Jeff and I have been vegan over a month now. It has it's tough moments, I will be honest, but it has been a life change and we aren't turning back. Freezers, pantries and cabinets have been cleaned out. If you were a recipient of the good bye food, thanks for taking it... :)
Berry picking..num num
lots of sprinkler time
Lots of park fun
Fieldin speeding around everywhere on his trike, Greta on her scooter.
We have peas and raspberries growing in the backyard!
Waiting to see Harry Potter next week
Enjoying summer.
Greta's front teeth have pretty much grown in ( in a month) ! crazy..
Most of the time spent outside.
Little man accidently breaking our keyboard, sprinkler system, sliding door and scraping up his nose and leg pretty bad..all in one day. Poor kid.
Greta reading quietly to herself, I love to hear her.
Both kids growing so much they both are wearing highwaters... can we make it to Fall without new pants?
The kids staying up way too late on these summer nights..
well, I think that is most of it :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

While We Were Away Part II

We haven't been home much these days. Only a few days in the last couple weeks. First trip was to Seattle and Central WA. and last week/this week in Southern Oregon and Northern CA. We had a fun time spending time with friends and showing the kids the redwoods and CA beaches.
It is nice to take it easy at home today. Lots of resting and a quick trip for some strawberry picking. Hope you all are enjoying your summer!