Monday, December 29, 2008

The Poor Oat is Under Rated

I like oatmeal. I really do. I find it comforting. I think oatmeal gets a bad rap most of the time. There were a few years in my mid-twenties when I would not eat an oat unless it was in a cookie. This was my cheap frozen pizza and take-out phase of life that I hope not to revisit along with puberty. At some point between then and now, oats found their way back into my pantry and an old love was rekindled. Even Miss Greta shares my love of oatmeal. For a girl that calls kalamata olives and mushrooms her favorite foods, it's no surprise to me that she would find oats appealing. Here is our favorite oatmeal recipe.
I start with Irish oats. Add them to boiling water. Drop to low heat and cover for 5-7 minutes. Then I steam in frozen marion berries, blueberries and black raspberries(I never knew these existed until recently). We like to add a side of apple for a little crunch.
It's also good with just frozen strawberries or blueberries. If you are still gagging at this point and vowing never to eat oatmeal again add some maple syrup to make it a little sweeter. If you really hate oatmeal you may need to add ALOT of maple syrup at first and slowly wean yourself off of the stuff. It worked for Jeff.

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