Saturday, September 14, 2019

Fall Cake

It is the time of year that we make our annual pumpkin Fall cake. This year Fieldin made it all on his own:) 

Pep Band

Pep band Friday night attire! 

New Cat Toy

The cat has finally realized the T.V. Can be a fun toy when Fieldin is playing video games. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Around Here

This is sad, these are the only two pictures I have taken in the last week! Busy around here getting into the swing of school schedules again:)

Board Game

Lil’ man is back to making board games and rule books again

Friday, September 6, 2019

Around Here

Around here, school is off to a good start. Gret is always busy with her music. Gret turned me into a thriftier of the summer, as she remind me reduce and reuse for less carbon footprint. I’ve taught her this but now she is teaching me:) two of my finds today. A homemade ceramic piece that matches my collection for $2 and a beautiful hand engraved table for $20. 

Surprise lacrosse swag in the mail from the WSU lacrosse coach to this very excited kid. He also received a nice note that he is going to frame:) 

It’s starting to look like Fall around here

Family band 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Class Is In

So this is where I have been this week. Getting the classroom school ready for kiddos tomorrow. Here is our class plant/ pet, a Venus Flytrap named “ Jaws” 

Reading area 

Cubbies and desk space 

A big view 

Science area and play space below 

The learning wall and circle time space 

First Day

After school Gret has piano and Fieldin has robotics. Getting the beginning of the season work done. 

5th grader

I spent the day working in my classroom. I drew this for a first day bulletin board. Love the inside out movie about feelings. 

Lil man before his run. He gets up about the time Greta leaves for school and then he takes a run then hits the shower and has breakfast 

And just like that.. she is off to high school!