Monday, January 15, 2018

Robotics State Championship For The Eldest

 What a day.. A very long and amazing day. I ran these girls around all day to 3 large presentations in front of professionals to small presentations. Three trips to the main stage for robot runs where they were so excited to be on live stream you tube. With no rest time in between because they cheered on others, sold themselves to judges, handed out swag bags for a give away and cheered and cheered some more. They were up at 4:30 and didn't leave the tournament until 6 p.m. Fieldin slept through the closing ceremonies. So proud of these Fin-Tastic Fish. Only two teams got to go to worlds out of 120 teams. They did not make it to worlds but they did get First place in State For Inspiration and Core values which was awesome. they came home with a coveted Lego trophy. 
 Carrying their well known fish on sticks. Singing songs and handing out swag bags. 
 Waiting to go into one of their presentations 
 having a judge look over their robot and answer questions before they compete on the tables
 robot competition 1(above) cheering their way back up stairs to the pit area 
 extra one on one judging time
 Round 2 on the tables 
 Photo op 
 these girls are loved in the world of robotics and while they were prepping for their next presentation they stopped and did a song or two at the request of people from other teams. Their songs were loved.
 Greta and her fish. She picked the only fish that had a snarl:) They each made their own lego glasses. She gets to keep all the garb. Once a fintastic fish, you are always a fintastic fish. 
 They ended their day 17th in the 3 robot challenges which was great! They competed against  55 other teams for robot competition. 
 Below, performing their songs during closing ceremonies 
 The judges needed extra time crunching numbers so they would have dance time for the kids while they waited.  The fish started a very huge conga line to kill time. There is Greta and her fish! 
 Below, winning their first place trophy and photo ops. 
 The girls and Mr. G after their win 

 Gret with the trophy and her state medal 
 waiting to enter one of their timed presentations 
In a rare break relaxing and playing the uke. 
Love you Greta and so proud of you! 

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