Friday, May 1, 2015


This is what Greta usually looks like. Both feet working.

 Diving, jumping, running, serving, soccer playing, hula hooping, tether ball playing ball of energy. 
Then one game of tag landed her in urgent care after rolling her ankle in a hole on the soccer field. 
 Her first x-rays above. In good spirits. 
And laid up on the sofa for a few days. She had a great attitude about the whole thing. 
I love this picture, she is doing homework that was sent home with Fieldin while the cat lays on her hurt ankle. 

 In her boot and crutches headed to school with nurse Fieldin at her side. He was such a good helper. 
 We found out on Wednesday after 5 days of boot fun that she could put weight on her ankle. She can ONLY walk for the next week. No other activities which means she can't finish out Spring volleyball. But instead of feeling sorry for herself she went and cheered on her team last night, brought them treats and fought her way into running the scoreboard, they usually only let adults do it but she had used the machine at basketball camp so somehow talked her way into doing it, despite a coach questioning her ability but she held her ground. She did a great job, and no mistakes and showed that you can't judge a girl by her age :)  I am always so proud when I watch her play but I was almost more proud watching how she handled this set back. Such a special girl she is. 

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