Friday, September 26, 2014

Oregon Trail

Greta absolutely loves learning about the Oregon Trail. 
She has been so excited about it since school started. 
(Which I'm happy about, it's one of the reasons I wanted to move back to this area.)
Today her grade went on a mock Oregon Trail adventure walking 3 miles, pulling a wagon with goods. They learned along the way and each had to eat a can of pork and beans, meat stick, apple and a roll for lunch. 
Greta of course liked the pork and beans. 
Pretty sure she will eat anything. 
Jeff volunteered since I was at work and spoke to the kids about Fort Laramie and walked with them on their route. 
 Greta pulling the wagon
 Eating the pork and beans
 still eating her pork and beans :) 
 With her Oregon Trail family. They were all given their part of the family. She was the daughter. If you notice, she is eating an apple. Always hungry.. the Oregon Trail would have been tough for her :) 
 walking the trail and with her "family" below

being pulled on her wagon. Thank you for the pictures Jeff.. 

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