Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas

So... I posted about Thanksgiving before this Christmas post so maybe, just maybe you all would think that we celebrated Thanksgiving before the Christmas decorations were pulled out. You all know this isn't how it works around here so I am not fooling anyone. What can one do when you live in a house with Griswald and little Griswald? 
 Fieldin showing Chompers his stocking.. trust me he was thrilled..ahem
 decorating Greta's little tree
 And, the Nativity scene.. She waits for this every year. I bought it for her when she was 3 to play with in hopes our fragile nativity scene would stay intact for awhile.. she spends hours upon hours playing with this each year. 
 These two decorating.. while me and Jeff pretended to decorate but really we were watching Cougar football. 
 putting up the advent calendar I made them a year or so ago. 
 The cat taking his life in his hands by hanging around the boys blowups. 
 Me and the kids wrapping 24 of their Christmas books. They will take turns opening one each night to read before bed until Christmas. They are pretty good wrappers after all this practice. 
 Someone else enjoys the nativity scene as much as his sister. The other night, Jeff found a little ninja guarding baby Jesus. 
 Fieldin put up the Christmas train this year and the cat sleeps under the tree only when the lights are on.. So far he hasn't unwrapped any of the books.. we still have our eye on him though.
 Greta also looks forward to getting out her Nutcracker collection and making up little plays for Fieldin to watch. He thinks they are hilarious. 
 more perler beads.. We made ornaments. Greta made Chompers cat, Fieldin made the green car, Jeff made the grinch and R2D2 and I made the Santa. 
And I am pretty sure he is ready for Christmas to be over.... 

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