Saturday, November 30, 2013

Giving Thanks And A Little Sous Chef

 We spent Thanksgiving at my dads and also with my aunt and uncle. We look forward to this each year. 
Above is Fieldin's Indian vest from school. I love the drawings. He came home with some pretty awesome art projects from school. 
 Just like last year Greta was our barista. She was so hyped up about it. Asking(begging) to make coffee for us all day and the minute we rolled out of bed in the morning. "You want a small or large coffee? regular? with flavoring? marshmallows? I'll have that right out in a Jiffy!" as she snaps her fingers and runs off. 
 Treats from Aunt Barb.. lots of fun stuff to keep them busy. 
 So this was a fun year because Greta wanted to HELP, in anyway she could but she really wanted to help with the meal. Aunt Barb taught her to make deviled eggs which I am grateful for because this is one thing I can not teach her. If you have ever seen my deviled eggs they kinda end up looking like I ran over them with studded tires, at my best they look like moon craters.. 
 She also helped cut up the potatoes and helped me get them boiling so we could have mashed potatoes. 

 She put the olives and pickles on a platter and taste tested with Grandpa. 
 And where was Fieldin while his sister worked so hard? He watched TV and sat waiting..
 Jeff made corned beef and we also had ham..
 Getting ready to eat... and below is Aunt Barb with her apple pie and Greta with her dessert. She wanted to make pumpkin cream cheese brownies so she researched a recipe online and got everything she needed and made them (with a little help with the mixer). She was very proud and they were good. 

 they burned some steam off at the pool after dinner and had fun with aunt Barb's treats. 
 We watched lots of football Friday... poor Cougs.. Jeff braved some Black Friday shopping and then this morning Grandpa watched as they hammered together tool boxes at Home Depot. 
 Then the drive home. I love the Columbia River.. so beautiful. 
So all in all, a successful Thanksgiving. Special time with loved ones. Good food. Football and Fun. 

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