Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Around Here

 Around here, this little man makes me laugh. He said he was taking a nap(in Greta's beauty mask) but when I started telling him how beautiful he was, I caught him in a giggle. Faker! 
 Around here, we are almost done with swim lessons then taking a break for awhile! Whew.. These two want to play in the beautiful weather we are having and I have to say, I do too. 
 Around here, my favorite farmer is open after winter. Fieldin and I went to visit and check out their plants and fresh rhubarb. They had succulents! My favorite. They enjoy seeing how much the kids grow. Fieldin was asked if he is 4 now... he said "No, I am four and a half. You should see Greta, she is 8. Just eight 
not 8 1/2"... 

 His "girlfriend" celebrated her birthday. When we got home from her party a neighbor boy asked Fieldin where he'd been all day. "I was at my girlfriend's birthday party". Sneaky boy ran off before the three of us could tease him. :) He made her TWO birthday cards. We knew something was up. Luckily for her dad, we live in different towns. :) 
 It has been sunny and warm here. I was just mentioning to my next door neighbor I hadn't seen our resident snakes yet. Then today Chompers brought one to the sliding door to show me. He likes to play with them... luckily, he doesn't hurt them. This cat is afraid of bugs and frogs but snakes are ok... and our birds. Bad cat. 
 Ring Pops.. He loves them... here is trying to look tough. 
Our favorite pizza place now does gluten free pizza part of the week... I missed this pizza. 

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