Sunday, April 21, 2013

Gret's Party

Yesterday, Greta had a pool party for her birthday. It was a mermaid theme.  This was the year for the pool since her and her friends are now all 7 years and up which means no parents have to be in the pool. Awesome! but then I forgot about Fieldin.. So, I had to join in the pool fun this year too. It was fun.. there I said it. :) 
 Setting up the party at the aquatic center. Speaking of Fieldin, he is in the background stealing "mermaid fish"  .Good thing she didn't see that. We also had mermaid tail pineapple, "seeweed" Kabobs with grapes, fruit. 
 We turned the group into merfolk. Both the girls and boys were good sports, while being finned and playing games. 
 Blowing out her candle. I made cupcakes that were supposed to be sea anemones with pearls. 
 We had a hour party and then 2 hours in the pool. It was hard to get these two out of the water. 
The party had 8 kids in total which made it easy for games and craziness. 

I was worried about this little guy in the pool but as he kept telling me "I'm fine". With a life jacket he swam all over and played with kick boards and noodles like the big kids. Like his sister, he also likes jumping off the side of the pool. 

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