Monday, September 3, 2012

Day Before School Tradition

The night before the first day of school we like to celebrate. 
For Greta, this means a big heaping plate of "Grettie Sghetti"  and blackberry crisp. "Grettie Sghetti" is her favorite meal for the last couple years. Good pasta sauce with sweet Italian sausage, extra mushrooms and a dollop of snow(Parmesan). Now that school will be back in session, I am reminded I need to keep sweet Italian sausage in the freezer for Greta's good days and bad days. It is her go to meal. Before dinner, we say a little prayer for her upcoming year at school. Now Summer break feels like it is over.....

Greta and Fieldin have very different palettes so it didn't surprise me when he told me what his meal will be.(He starts preschool next week) On his menu: Roasted pesto potatoes, scrambled eggs with Irish cheese and  a bowl of ice cream. Got it. Greta goes carbs, Fieldin goes dairy. 
Both are excited for the upcoming year. As usual my stomach is in knots while they are cool and collected. 
Here's to a WONDERFUL school year to BOTH of you. 
Both of you at school... how did that happen so soon? *sigh*

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