Thursday, October 20, 2011


What's Happening Around here?

Fieldy has an ear infection, he went up another shoe size(11's!), outgrowing his pants, and is being pretty darn funny. Today he sang me a song in Target while I pushed him around called "Greta Sweetheart" He *almost* got the high notes. He is also toilet training and doing awesome..luckily the kid takes a bribe and bribes name is M&M.

I do my first volunteer day at Gret's school tomorrow. She is excited to introduce me to the class. She says I need to go by Mrs. B three... at least it rhymes.

We got an Albany Boo treat left for us so tonight it is our turn to give others a boo treat. rah ha ha!

We all are getting much needed hair cuts today.. whew.

I feel good. It has been a tough two years on and off for me. I am feeling more like myself these days, which is a good thing.

I am having a bit of a husky/cougar rivalry trick month with a neighbor which has been fun and allowed me to be sneaky. I am holding their painted Washington pumpkin hostage at the moment.. I have big plans for it.. big plans.

Greta is really into mileage club at school. After they run a certain number of laps they get a foot charm to add to their necklace. Greta's been running everyday and wore her necklace to school, with five feet hanging on it. She looked a little bit rapper with her bling. She told me her clothes are too fancy for her now..she needs running clothes. Yesterday when I dropped her off at school she said" I'll be coming home with another foot today mommy, you just wait!" Her goal is to get seven charms because then she says she can trade them in for a BIG foot charm.. way to go gret!

That's about it. Happy Thursday!

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