Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Patch and A Look Around The Yard

 Today Miss Greta had a field trip to a pumpkin patch. Luckily this pumpkin is needed at school til next Friday because we are running out of space for them. Here is Greta and her best friend trying to decide on their pumpkins. Parents couldn't help carry them. They had to be able to lift and carry their own pumpkin to the bus. No rolling allowed :)
 Miss Belle and a pumpkin.
 Now for views of the yard in October. Here is Greta's easter Lilly. The original bloomed in April but I guess it reseeded.. Can they do that? because this beauty popped up a couple months ago and bloomed today. Another plant is sprouting up in front of it, and we are starting to wonder if it will bloom in December at this rate...
 A very grumpy frog sleeping in one of my rose blooms. They love sleeping in my roses.
 freedom!!! Our poor kitty only gets supervised trips to the backyard.. too many owls and coyotes outside for him to be an outdoor cat.
 My hibiscus is still blooming each day.
 A view of the front porch. There are a bunch more pumpkins stuck on the other side. Greta added a piece of indian corn from the field trip today somewhere in the mix.
 These flowers grew from seed in early summer but all of a sudden are back and growing like crazy. there are sprouts growing out of the rocks everywhere. I had no idea these could or would return this year.

And my window box. The lavender smells so good and the flowers are coming back from old seed as well. There is a toy praying mantis hiding in their somewhere. 

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