Saturday, July 23, 2011

Big Boy Wheels

fyi- our puter is dead.. but for some reason tonight it is showing me a moment of mercy so I am doing what I can before it tanks again. So if you don't hear from me for awhile... you know why.
Today I took my bike in for repair and while at the bike shop, Fieldy hopped on a bike and took to it perfectly.. he was ready for a big boy bike. He just started triking maybe a month ago but he has had his eye on the prize.. flashy bike with "extra wheels". He was so excited to get a bike today. He thought it was his birthday and would get angry if we said it wasn't so we let it go and Fieldy had an impromptu birthday. He says his bike "is green and awe...some!"
speeding around street
no joke this was his very first time on it. We thought we may need to teach him a few things and may take him a day or so but he took off down the street... he was crazy fast. I couldn't believe it. The little man can even speed up hill. I think his legs are strong from his other fav thing.. running. He gets in sprint position and says" look at this turbo" and sprints off.. its very entertaining.
Greta said she would show him how to ride a bike and he said" no, I do it myself! it is little"
Big sis giving him a start and some words of encouragement out of the garage. After this he went down the driveway and took off down the road. yep, I guess he was ready.


Sara said...

WOW!! That is amazing! Way to go Fieldy, the big boy biking wizard!

Cherisa said...

Sorry about the dead computer. Do you have a smart phone? Most will let you publish pics to Blogger...

Good luck on the replacement! I hate buying new computers. I'm always afraid of buyer's remorse.

BTW, we're coming out to Seattle and Portland for a wedding on 11/11/11. So we should be in Portland around the 14th of November until the 20th.