Saturday, July 9, 2011

Around Here- Random

Around here, there is alot to catch up on...
Vacation was wonderful. Being home is wonderful.
Fieldin doesn't know what is going on since Jeff has been around home this vacation.
Fieldin: "Is daddy going to work?"
me: "nope"
F: "Is Greta going to school?"
M: nope
F: "Is Fieldin going to mars today?
M: "I don't know are you?"
F:" No.. I will leave in a few days..."
We have been catching up on yard work, not cleaning.
We are enjoying the National Geographic episode, which is our yard.. snakes, beautiful large blue, orange and red dragonflies, butterflies, frogs, birds, baby praying mantis, bird nests, bugs etc. the kids love it.
Jeff and I have been vegan over a month now. It has it's tough moments, I will be honest, but it has been a life change and we aren't turning back. Freezers, pantries and cabinets have been cleaned out. If you were a recipient of the good bye food, thanks for taking it... :)
Berry picking..num num
lots of sprinkler time
Lots of park fun
Fieldin speeding around everywhere on his trike, Greta on her scooter.
We have peas and raspberries growing in the backyard!
Waiting to see Harry Potter next week
Enjoying summer.
Greta's front teeth have pretty much grown in ( in a month) ! crazy..
Most of the time spent outside.
Little man accidently breaking our keyboard, sprinkler system, sliding door and scraping up his nose and leg pretty bad..all in one day. Poor kid.
Greta reading quietly to herself, I love to hear her.
Both kids growing so much they both are wearing highwaters... can we make it to Fall without new pants?
The kids staying up way too late on these summer nights..
well, I think that is most of it :)

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