Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life Without A Cow- An Update

So I have been living Dairy Free for about a month now.
It has been much easier than anticipated and after going through dairy withdrawals, I find I never have any Pavlov type reactions when I see pizza, ice cream or gooey cheesiness. This is a good thing. By the way did you know Tootsie pops have dairy? they do..
I have added new things to my diet, happy to not have side effects of an allergy and generally feel better.
The hardest part is finding food to eat outside of home. At home I have complete control of what goes in my food and can and do spend hours reading labels. Luckily, we don't eat out much. Alot of times I have food with me for emergencies. It is amazing how restaurants sneak cheese into everything!
Jeff has been making me dairy free baked goods, so I never feel deprived of sweets. I think this is my secret of sustaining...
I sent the hunter/gatherer out for chocolate chips the other night. I was out of dark chocolate to cut up in cookies. He came back after awhile with only one semi sweet option he could find without milk (ghiradelli!) he stocked up for me so we will have them on hand. I go through a lot of dark chocolate and cocoa powder these days!
Jeff and the kids still enjoy dairy but may eat a bit less. They love their yogurt, hot cocoa, cheese and ice cream.
Over all it is working out well and I appreciate Jeff and the kiddos for being so supportive.
I will keep you updated on my progress!


Sara said...

I'm curious, are you planning on going completely vegan eventually? And I have to say, I admire you so much. I love ice cream and cheese, and I know you do (did) too. However, there is a coconut milk ice cream at our coop that is so good! Keep up the good work girl and I hope it's making you feel better :)

Darcy said...

Does that mean no butter too?
It's nice to have a baker to make you treats:)

Cherisa said...

Ah... Life without dairy. I can barely fathom it. Of course, if dairy caused me the problems it causes you, I'd probably have to consider it. At least there are some decent alternatives available these days. Good luck with the "sneaky" milk products, though. I developed an allergy to tree nuts (almonds, pecans, everything non-peanut) a few years back and there are "possible trace amounts" of them in EVERYTHING!

Just heard Blur's "Song 2" on the radio yesterday and had a flashback of you hanging in the basement wearing that Sonic Youth t-shirt with the washing machine on it. I bet you still have it in your closet somewhere... ;)

Raylene said...

No buttah for me anymore :( but I have found some alternatives that work great. As for being vegan. I love eggs and chicken and don't think I can give those up!

Raylene said...

Cherisa- I almost toppled over laughing about my sonic youth shirt...I am embarrassed to say I still do have it in my closet..I can't get rid of it! I do admit it is a little more snug than it used to be. It must have shrunk :) ahem...
Sorry to hear about your allergy. It is daunting reading labels. It is true, dairy is snuck into e verything. I would have to say though, being allergic to dairy would be easier for me than a nut allergy! Remember how I would eat big bags of peanuts on my own!