Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Little Snow..

(Greta and her sweet friend made ornaments for our tree)
Our Skiff of snow. School was cancelled(don't laugh!) Thanks to rare snow memories from childhood, I guessed the skiff would melt in 2 hours. I got us out side early so we could enjoy it!

He was sooo excited"mommy SNOW!" "Get me dressed for SNOW!" "Wow"
He was too impatient to get his snow boots on, so we had to settle for his rain boots.

(Trying to make a snow man... me reminding them we weren't in Pullman anymore:)

So happy.
It's 9 p.m. and I am watching the Cougs win at basketball, so far(at least we can win at something :)) I hear lil' man, who should be in bed...ahem... shouting "awesome dunk!" "shoot the ball"..There is also alot of high fiving going on over there.. Sounds like he is learning alot from his daddy tonight.

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