Monday, November 22, 2010

A Little Flurry

We had a very short flurry of snow.
It didn't stick.
There is no sign of it anymore.
But it did happen, I saw it.
It was my first Oregon snow.
Light, wispy and lovely.
It only lasted a few minutes but
I hope it visits again.
A little reminder of our
past winters in Eastern WA
It is always fun to watch from inside a warm comfy house.
Not so fun to drive in as I remember too well.
Wait, more snow out the window again. Melting in the roads.
Off to bed for me. Will the snow globe still be around in the morning?
I want so badly to wake up the kids to share, but know it's a bad idea. Only if there wasn't school tomorrow... There is a skiff of snow collecting in the grass.
People told me it never snowed here. What a happy surprise!
If things are still like they were when I was younger, a little snow here means
most things shut down. I guess I will have to wait til' morning.
Be safe everyone. I know Washington got it's fair share today.

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