Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Son Is A Badass With A Binky & Some Other Stuff

First off..What happened to my little Greta? All of a sudden she is having playdates with her "boyfriend" and having other boys defending her honor. I've been calling her my Juliet. She is a hopeless romantic, a dreamer and full of emotion. Her and I will share Jane Austen books I am sure...She loves to entertain. Her personality has come alive, which makes since. Five is such a magical age.....
So in other little man is a Bad Ass..No other way to put it. There are only three things you don't want to do around Fieldin.. one... pull him into a sprinkler. Two....Never and I mean NEVER touch his binky. Three and you can see it in this picture below...never mess with his sister. I am quite glad about number three...He can scare off all her "boyfriends" for us.

as for the hat..he chooses to wear his caps backwards now.
....and take my advice. Never get a massive sunburn the day before you meet with your dermatologist... just saying.

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