Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Little Concerned for His Future

We are moving up the pet scale from rock and plant to fish. Never mind that I rescued the withering plant from her window sill it was time to upgrade to a moving object. I am happy to introduce NaNa (pronounced Nay Nay with long A's) to our Crew. Lets be honest, we all know who will end up taking care of NaNa especially after I pledged to be his guardian angel, already saving him from consuming a lentil. We had a talk and Miss Greta has decided cookies and rice are also not acceptable foods. As for the newest members name, Miss Greta told me it was a Chinese word. Me only knowing the Chinese word for hello, grandpa and snow I am truly clueless. I hope NaNa will help ease up the talk about a future puppy. I see how she treats her lifelike toy puppy "Fluffy". Dragging him up and down the hallway over and over with an overly tight leash. It is a bit disturbing to watch and leaves a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach so we have a ways to go before we bring a four legged friend into the house.

I do have to say I am a little concerned for what may lie ahead for NaNa. If so, I guess we can chuck it up to a valuable life lesson that we all eventually learn. So as I say to the terrified ladybugs and butterflies in our backyard each spring. Godspeed my friend. Welcome to our family.


Unknown said...

Oh well I know what the focus of conversation will be next time I am over =p

Sara said...

NaNa is so cute! And so very pink! I can't wait to meet her.

Cherisa said...

Is your psychy ready for another fish as a pet? Hopefully NaNa will live a long and happy life free of pinto beans, rice and Lucky Charms!