Thursday, March 28, 2019

A Glimpse: Day 4

lil' bro sitting with sister while she practices piano. I love getting photos when they have no idea that I am around. 
After a day of park playing and hanging out,Gret, Fieldin and their friend went to watch a movie at the theater and I stayed home with the 2nd grade sister of their friend that wanted to play outside instead. It was many fun hours at the park and this is the picture she took of me pouting when I was caught and put in jail.. aka the bottom of the play structure. 

Post sleepover energy.. He got home, dropped his sleeping bag and was off outside with his lacrosse stick. 

The weekly grocery shopping with a jasmine plant thrown in...

A day of playing with friends with no break and he is still going.. 9:30 p.m. nachos and game night. Our friend Karlee came by for our version of Tenzi which is always fun. Greta is in bed since she has to get up at 5:30 am for robotics. 

The view across the street. All the trees around here are in full bloom! 

With kids away playing, I worked on some laundry with my micro manger watching my every move. She was upset I woke her up from her third nap of the day. 

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