Friday, December 15, 2017

Robotics For The Youngest

Robotics has taken over our life since September. This was my first year coaching a robotics team. It takes up a lot of time but was well worth it. I am hooked. Here are the sweet boys and yes, I got to coach Fieldin. :) I love these boys, 
 In the pit waiting for a full day of robot works and three presentations. The topic this year was hydrodynamics so they had to solve a hydrodynamic problem. 

 Here is the team and coaches for  team TBD "These boys dunno?" They came up with this themselves. We spent a full day at a competition at Oregon State University.
 Fieldin discussing their robot with the judge and running the robot on the course (below) 

 Running robot challenges, and during one of their presentations (below) 
 waiting to do another presentation...
 running another robot challenge

 Me and lil' man. The boys did not make it to state this year but were close!! We start back up soon to get ready for next year! 

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