Monday, December 28, 2015

Short Circuit

 First off, Fieldin's new favorite thing is washing dishes which has been great. He also unloads the dishwasher. I am guessing this is short lived but enjoying it while it lasts. 

 Some electronic fun going on in the house lately. Greta's new favorite toy is a lie detector which can be a bit touchy but works most of the time. She and Fieldin have been having fun with it since Greta assured him it won't electrocute or shock him. Valid worries for a little brother. He reminds her one day she will need to invent a REAL light saber for him which I think is a good deal for what he puts up with. 
 Playing with the electronic circuit board they got for Christmas. After we work through the book and we know they can use it safely and without shorting it, they will have more freedom to experiment. 
 So far they are turning on a light and experimenting with lightness and darkness. Greta has already done this but it's all new to Fieldin and fun to watch him get excited. The "reading" stuff is boring. He likes playing with the wires ;) 
 One 9 volt battery= lots of entertainment in this house. 

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