Monday, November 23, 2015

Thankful Books 2015

It is time for the kids to do their yearly thankful books. They have each done one since they were three years old. In all the years past,I helped scrapbook their pages but this year I gave them blank books and they did them all by themselves in their free time.  Here are just a few of their pages, we enjoy reading these each year. 

 Fieldin was thankful for his cat, and school and his teacher. 
 and of course thankful for football 
 and for books...
 and art..

 and games.
 Greta was thankful for God and books....
 and for herself as well as school, cooking and baking, nature and family among other things.
This year they shared alot of the same things they were thankful for which was fun to see. Food, the sun, books and family always seem to be recurring items over the years. 

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