Monday, November 17, 2014

Found Pic

These days I try my best to keep up on the blog but I always have pictures I forget to post. 
This one I had to post because it still makes me laugh. 
The day after Halloween the kids sold the majority of their candy to a dentist. As you can imagine this was Greta's idea, not Fieldin's. His usual response to the idea was "No Way". Well, she broke him and with big dreams of getting enough money to buy Lego's, he gave in. The kids picked out the candy they wanted to keep which was way more than enough and that candy is currently taking up space in our pantry untouched. 
The dentist paid them $2 a pound and they made $12 in crisp fresh bills. 
So what did Fieldin say then? " I like the smell of new money". 
Don't we all. 
Any guesses on where they will be on November 1st next year? 

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