Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Caves And Flashlights

We hit another National park this week. 
And we took the kids caving or as the guy at the coffee shop said "spelunking" which I had to google because that is a new word for me. I like it. 
 We checked out flashlights from the rangers. We didn't do any difficult spelunking(used it in a sentence :))so we didn't have knee pads etc. We stayed within the easy to moderate realm. To be honest I knew none of us was ready to try to fit through very small holes in the pitch dark. We may be crazy but not stupid. 
 I only got photos in a couple caves. It was so dark and my camera was not cooperating. I could only get pics at the openings of two. It was a little eery going into the caves. Leaving the sun and 93 degree temps to ending up in the pitch dark with ice in places and 55 degree chills. Some how the kids never spooked. Greta thought the lava rock etc was cool and shining her light to check it out while Fieldin was happy with the novelty of a big flashlight of his own. 
 We didn't see bats or at least I don't think we did. It was so dark and to be honest the flashlights don't give off a whole lot of light. 
 At the opening of skull cave. This one was neat. 

 checking out the opening before we head down. 
 Fieldin shining his light at me. I think the only reason I got this shot was we weren't too far from the opening at this point. 
 picnic lunch. It was so hot again this day. Mid 90's but the kids were troopers and wanted to hike into the desert to see a farther away cave. 
 getting another junior ranger badge. Taking their oath at this park. 
Chunk with his badge.  
 Finally we wiped him out. 
 We had an awesome day. 

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