Monday, June 16, 2014

Basketball Camp

(headed in to check in at camp)
 Thanks to snow days, Greta is still in school and then having to do basketball camp in the evening right after school until 7:30 at night which makes long days for her. She really wanted to do it(it's her favorite camp) and despite being tired she is giving it 110%. She is determined and enthusiastic. 
 Listening to the team and coaches at the beginning of camp. Lighting is horrible and I took these on my phone so the quality is bad. 
She is in with 3rd -5th grade this year so she is on the younger end. (that's her turned around in the pink/black shorts) probably sensing my camera clicking :) 
Fieldin wanted to sit high above so he could get a good view of Greta. He watched for two hours without any complaints and nothing to do but watch basketball. Then we headed home so he could eat dinner and get ready for bed but he ended up staying up late to see Greta get home. 

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