Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Greta has made it into the school spelling bee each year since 1st grade. This is her third year and she was excited. Sadly for her, she didn't make it into the top two. 
 Here is Greta and Fieldin before school. My loves. Fieldin made the tye dye shirt and I'm afraid he will try to wear it every day, he loves it so. Greta.. well I can't believe she is almost 9. 
 This is her OMG! Do not take my picture AT SCHOOL mom look. (She doesn't like me taking her pic anymore when people are around, this just started this week..I guess I can be sooo embarrassing sometimes) This is why I put on the EXTRA long lense to embarrass her more! 
 Being crazy before the spelling bee started. (above) 
 Then the long wait for her turn. 
Spelling her word in the first round(boy this girl is vocal with a microphone) . After this, I was nice enough to put my camera away so I could switch to giving her even more embarrassing thumbs ups... :) 
Good job Gret, Get 'em next year!

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