Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's Divine To Be Almost Nine

 Greta's birthday is this coming week. She invited a few of her closest friends out to lunch at her favorite burger place and then to tye dye t-shirts with her. It was a beautiful day and we were even able to get some play time in at a park. 
 the tye dye place had dry erase boards to keep them busy while their shirts were prepped. Greta opened her gifts and we ate the tye dye cake Greta made. 
 Greta's best friend wanted to light her candle. 
 The inside of her cake below.. She did a great job!
 Fieldin made his own shirt too and loved being around older girls :) 
 because they gave him lots of attention and danced with him...

 The girls picked out the designs they wanted and colors, then learned how to rubber band them.. 
 even chunk had a good time. It was fun and didn't feel like a party. Just a fun day hanging out with Greta and her friends. She has pretty awesome friends. 
The grumpy cat had to get into the fun and shred her tissue papers and gift bags... 
I can't believe she is going to be nine years old! 

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