Sunday, January 20, 2013

She is still a book :)

Our Greta is still a book.
She has always loved books as most of you know. 
Books, Brains and Beauty.. that is what I think of when I see her these days. 
She reads at meals, on errands, in her free's the first thing she does in the morning and the last thing she does before falling asleep. That is, if she is sleeping and not pretending to while reading under her covers with a too small of flashlight. One morning she read a book all the way to the bus stop, while waiting and as she got on the bus.. most impressive. 
Her and her books and her drawing. I see a bit of little me in her every day. I love that we share these hobbies together. 
 Right after school on her kindle looking for books. 
 After homework reading a book from the school library.
After dinner with another book. 
I took these photos and she didn't even notice. She is so absorbed in her reading. It reminds me of Belle at the beginning of Beauty and the Beast, walking through town not noticing anything or anyone. 
Funny coincidence her middle name is Belle...

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