Sunday, December 23, 2012


 Our yearly trip to watch the Nutcracker. I look forward to this each year. Fieldin loves the ballet too but this year the show was much longer than he is used to so we talked him into a movie with Jeff. I think he will be ready to join us again next year. (last year we saw a shorter version and he looved it) 
This years performance had a choir and live orchestra. It was amazing. 
 Greta below at intermission. We walked around and looked at art and then headed to the 4th floor where it was quiet so Greta could dance. 
 Doing leaps. The kids listen to the Nutcracker soundtrack all the time at home so she was humming to the music. The hardest part for her at this age is knowing when to clap but she is learning. It is confusing for a little. She whispered a couple times"Why are we clapping?" "Do I clap now?" 
A wonderful day and Fieldin wanted to hear all about the Mouse King when he saw us after the ballet. Greta's favorite character's are still Clara, the Sugar Plum Fairy and the Nutcracker. 

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