Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Crappy Pioneer Woman

I was driving today, thoughts wandering like usual(as I was responsibly watching my speed and the road..ahem) and thinking what a crappy pioneer woman I would be/been. This realization of myself shocks me a bit. I used to think of myself as a bit rugged. The only thing rugged about me was my overpriced hiking boots..that yuppies wear. I have to shower daily, I don't like bugs much, I get grouchy without lots of water breaks, I get callouses easy. I'm such a chump for ever thinking I could hold my own out of doors. I can't even eat normally. One cannot forage for gluten-free flour and soy cheese in the wild. I would be a laughing stock. Plus I would only be able to consume in season produce! No hothouse stuff.. forget about it. 
The worst part, was realizing how much I would whine. It would be drama diva bad, complaining about lame under garments, itchy clothes, hey where's my dry wick socks? 
Being a pioneer woman would be tough in so many ways and I am not tough. 
So where am I going with this? 
Be happy where you are. I always thought I belonged in another time, but I now know that I am where I am supposed to be. Why? cause I am a bit of a wus. Could I have survived the sugar shortages of WWII? 

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