Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another Season Of Life

Fieldin in Florida, 1 year 
I feel like this moment just happened yesterday. Little Fieldin trying to walk.. Greta out of the picture trying to explore and gain more independence. Me hovering,watching and teaching. This is all changing. I now have independent kids and free hands. They have more freedom and so do I. Sometimes it feels strange, but it feels right. As they grow, I am growing with them. They need me in new ways. They keep me running, sliding, batting, reading, laughing, singing, snacking, jumping, finding, exploring in ways I haven't for many years. They make me search in the dusty depths of my cobwebbed brain to answer "why"...if I can't we research it and I learn too. They want to help and be hands on. They want to cook, garden, build and create. They are full of life. My babies aren't babies anymore. I thought this time of life would be hard for me. I thought I may cry at this loss. Instead I smile and laugh everyday with growing kids. I am not sad, I am excited for the years we have to come and growing together. I hope they are up for the task because I have AlOT to learn... and still a little to teach them.

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