Sunday, April 29, 2012


Sunday: The weather has been nice here. Happy weather...yet I've been feeling a bit grey. There is no reasoning for it. Just down. I remind myself I am human and can't be cheery all the time. If I were there would be something quite wrong indeed. It will pass and I will be rocking out in my car soon once again. I haven't watched Pride and Prejudice numerous times so this greyness can't be too bad... Here is our Sunday. :)

 toys... toys everywhere. This is good. A mess but a good mess. This mess means there is playing being done. 
 I love that Greta can read the Sunday comics to us over breakfast. She also likes to clip coupons.. Today she gave me an anti-aging coupon..hmmmm 
 The boys playing a quick game of monster jam. Fieldin's favorite. 
 grocery shopping
 hiking/trail running with the kids. I love being in the woods. I am starting to like to trail run. I dislike running in general. After years of running while young, my oldish body disapproves of pounding on pavement and I get bored. Put me in the woods and my feet take off and my mind follows. A nice break for awhile. 

 A Sunday frozen yogurt treat. This kids loads up. 
 While getting back into a routine of documenting our days, I have found I spend twice as much time cooking then I ever had and I enjoy it. We rarely eat out. We've been trying lots of new things. Without wheat and dairy in my world I have been replacing much of it with vegies. So far it has been a good adventure. 
The little man with a buzzed head. Wearing an Aerosmith shirt and I bet he will never know who Aerosmith is. This may be good because the Wiggles scare him so I cannot imagine what Steven Tyler would do to him. Major nightmares people. 

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