Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, Monday

Monday. Trying to convince Fieldin that the hood of his jacket would be much more effective if covering his his head..not his bottom. Of course he thinks this is hilarious and somehow we make it to school drop off early. 

 I spend alot of time in this car.. me being cheeky and realizing that forgetting to wear makeup has become a daily routine over the last few years, as well as not combing my hair. I should probably do something about this. If I do wear makeup, the kids think I am either leaving them to go back to the workworld or something major is happening,...  like going to a princess ball, and Greta wants to go. 
 my co-pilot. 
 hmmmm... turnips. I am 36 and until this year, I had never tasted a parsnip, turnip or brussel sprout to my recollection. The verdict: looove brussel sprouts, will take or leave parsnips and roasted turnips aren't half bad. Three out of four of us liked them. I'm not pointing any fingers....ahem Greta. 
 mini monet "painting" the fence. 
 I love when lilacs are in bloom. 
 If you look real close you can see my garlic!!! I have garlic and onions growing! woot woot.. We will see if slugs, bugs, rodents or birds beat me to them. 
 smart kitty, being incognito trying to catch a goldfinch. 
 daily afterschool reading

anything with cornmeal and berries disappears fast around here, especially when the berry is a blackberry. 

What I didn't get a photo of...Me trying to quiet the smoke alarms for a half hour while roasting vegies. All windows were open, books were waving.. they just didn't stop. 
Fieldin still up and not close to sleepytime. 
An errand to the post office and library. Me trying to drag the 25 lb bag of Greta's books to the return slot. 
Paying bills. 
On to Tuesday!!!

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