Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Photo Dump

 Jeff made this for Chomps. The kids love it and most surprising, Chomps doesn't mind...
 He had a day where he wanted to wear his sunglasses all day.
 She loves her kitty.
 Watching the birds and trying to scare off hummingbirds at the feeder.
 It's bubble time again.
 This kid has a good right hook.
 Planting lots of seeds.
 Playing with smash and cars before soccer class
The little mans seed cup. His favorite color green... for the green lantern
Ready to go watch a play with me. It was a fun girls night.

We are still having lots of rain but the blooms on the trees are pink. The kids have been busy jump roping and playing basketball in the garage on icky days. They also make their favorite thing together..whipping cream from scratch for strawberries which they can make on their own. Lots of reading, cleaning, playing, dancing and keeping busy while inside... 

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