Thursday, March 8, 2012

Major Spring Fever

We have rain. We have sun.
I'm still not feeling 100%, but glad that the rest of the family is.
We are cooped up so any excuse to get out, we jump at.
Today it is sunny so Fieldin and I repotted the indoor plants and blew bubbles.
Daffodils are up, the birds have returned to the backyard and I smell fresh mowed grass coming through the window... so close to spring and days outdoors.
We never see chomps.. he is always in the windows sneaking around calling to the birds outside. I have vases of tulips and sunflowers around, bringing the color in. The thermostat gets turned down finally and the windows get opened up during the day. Winter coats and snow gear are slowly being dragged inside from the garage to be washed so it can hide away in backs of closets. More and more fresh produce is showing up at the market. Oh Spring you are so close!

 Their wooden race cars they made.
 Jeff and I spent last Saturday pruning and cleaning up the yard. The kids found frogs and ladybugs. Greta watched and cheered for this frog. She put it in water collected in Jeffs fishing boat. They were trying to talk to the frog and giving it directions on how to swim properly......
 Hiking at Alsea falls. The fresh air was wonderful, so was the exercise. The kids were very excited to eat outside and have a picnic.
 At the top of the falls.
 Riding a carousel on a rainy day
A rainy day is a great excuse for ice cream and sprinkles. 

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