Thursday, November 10, 2011

Snacktime Chats

The kids were having an after school snack at the counter sitting side by side. It was a perfect time to ask them some questions.. here's how it turned out...

Me: Greta, what do you like about Fieldin?
Greta: "He never breaks my toys." "he never does, he's nice to my things"
"I think he's cute, he's nice, he's the funniest person I know, he's a picky eater, I love him, I like to dress up with him, he is smart and sometimes he says "pee sauce"". giggle giggle.
Me: What bothers you about Fieldin?
Greta: "I don't like when he hits, I don't like it when he poops his pants so it is a good thing he uses the potty, also when he hides my toys in his room to be funny"
Me: "Anything else about your brother?"
Greta: "He's a really good brother, I like kissing and hugging him. One time when he was scared, he got into bed with me and I liked helping him turn on his flashlight and not be scared of the dark"

Now it gets a little crazy....

Me: "Fieldin, what do you like about Greta? "
Fieldin: "Burp"..giggle giggle
Greta: "Say you love me, I know you do"
Fieldin: "Burp". Both in hysterics.
Greta: "Get that sticker out of my hair, Fieldin"
Fieldin: "Burp"...both in hysterics
Greta: "Do you like it when I teach you new things?"
Fieldin: "Burp"...giggle giggle.
Greta: "That means yes"
Fieldin: " No, that means poop!" Both in hysterics again.
Me: "Okay.. okay.. is Greta nice, Fieldin? "
Fieldin: "Yes... No... she's MAD!
Both kiddos in major hysterics
Fieldin: "She's funny"
Greta: "I'm his best friend"
Fieldin shakes his head yes and smiles...

1 comment:

Sara said...

How sweet. Even combined with the potty humor :)

I taught 5th grade yesterday, and I swear I haven't heard so many fart noises in years. It was a little intense at times.