Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ignoring It...

I have been ignoring the blog lately...

Life has been a bit routine.. school pick ups, drop off, appointments, soccer, swimming, homework etc.. I wouldn't have this any other way. I am one that thrives on routine and everyday life.

I have really been focused on Fieldin lately.. He is done with toilet training( give me a woot woot) we are just fine tuning now. He and I have been watching little Einsteins, doing puzzles and chilling. Usually my restless nature doesn't let me just sit but lately I've been lazy and enjoying time with him. Enjoying the time he holds my hands or thumb and gives me slimey kisses. This season of life is so short. I want to soak up these memories with the kids like a sponge.

I've even taken some time off from my camera. No pictures in the last week but I did get a lot of fetch play in with the cat.

I need to get back into jotting down whats going on for our journal so here's some things going on around here:

1. Gret's working on her yearly thankful book.
2. Chompers cat LOVES taking rides in the car. He's always up for a joyride, a game of fetch or a chance to play in water...quirky cat.
3. I haven't changed a diaper in a couple weeks and I like it.... alot. My first break in 6 years! I think I've done my time at plugging landfills, now I have to recycle everything for the rest of my life to make up for those heaps of diapers at the dump.
4. I have been eating way too much pumpkin... pumpkin everything.. If I have an orange tint to me it is not a bad spray on tan it is from the pumpkin... if I am orange please let me know, seriously!
5. I've been trying to work on paper crafts in my spare time, Thanksgiving treats and scrapbooking for the kids.
6. I volunteer every other Friday at Gret's school. I wish I could do more. They are a great group of kids and I enjoy it so much! I also love the fact they will eat lunch with me and hang out with me at recess....
7. Greta's Easter lilly keeps blooming and blooming and.....
8.  Greta's reading Nancy Drew. So cool. Love those mysteries.
9. Fieldin is starting to draw stick people. Greta thinks they are sweet.
10. The kiddos are all pyshed for Christmas and we have officially started listening to holiday music as of last Monday. Toy store ads are all over the house with things circled all over, Gretas telling Fieldin stories of past Christmas days gone by and I am ready for a tree!
11. The time change screwed up all our internal clocks. The kids have been getting up at 5:30 or 6 EVERY morning...
12. We've all been a bit lazy. Tis the season, right?

I hope all of you are enjoying the season and the everyday.


darcy said...

So I'm not the only one that wants to ignore the blog every now and then?
I think you don't do milk...but, I tried a pumpkin (pie?)milkshake at Burgerville last night. Oh. my. heavens.
I had forgotten Nancy Drew...I wonder if Grace would like those...
I always feel like you have to take advantage of the mood to feel lazy when you can just on matter of principle...

Sara said...

Yippee!! No more diapers, I am so happy for you!

And Nancy Drew, how awesome. I loved those books.