Saturday, October 15, 2011

Our Watch Cat

Chompers is a good cat with a sweet temper. He HATES it when Fieldin cries, he gets upset and restless. He likes to protect the kids and he loves them very much.

Lately, Fieldin has been waking in the middle of the night and then he starts to cry. No matter where Chompers is in the house, he bolts to Fieldin's room where he curls up on his pillow,  pats his hair or head and gives him nuzzles to comfort him. Once Fieldin falls back to sleep he stays there usually through the night until Fieldin wakes up in the morning...watching over him.

This picture is what they look like every night.. I had to use flash which they weren't happy about but I had to tell this story with a picture. Fieldin will tell me in the morning, "Chompers cat was on my pillow two times last night".

Very sweet..Thank you watch cat. 

1 comment:

Sara said...

That is so sweet. Poor little guy, not sleeping well, but to have a guardian kitty? So awesome.