Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cat Love

 Oh My! I never thought I would be a cat person... but I adore our cat. For a family art project we all colored in a wood "chompers" and then I glued them to black canvas. We were going to hang it above his litter box but we were worried he may take it down. Fieldy taped a newspaper pic of a cat sitting on a toilet that had been potty trained. We soon found it shredded.....
Top left to Right: Miss Gretas and mine
Bottom left to right: Jeffs and Fieldins.

love this.


Sara said...

Yea! It's you! And it is so funny that Fieldy is trying to potty train Chompers....maybe he wants some moral support!

Raylene said...

I have been haiding from the camera lately :) Will try harder!