Saturday, August 6, 2011

What's Been Up, With Us??

So we aren't having the stellar summer we were hoping for this I haven't been up much to blogging. I hope we are on the upswing and can finish out the end of August strong!

Fieldin has grown obsessed with planes. He always has one in his hand and takes them everywhere. He loves imaginex planes and dvds.. we here him flying through the house hollaring " Slice em' and dice em'...whoooo hooo" His other obsession his bike. First thing every morning... "where my running shoes, I want to ride my bike" and that kid is faaaassst...
Singing and dancing around the "palace teepee" they built
This little man is GROWING! In every sense of the word. it is hard to keep up with him and his constantly outgrown shoes.
Watching Phineas and Ferb, waiting for breakfast before daily swim classes.. I am surprised she isn't reading a book here because she usually has one somewhere on her person.

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