Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Summer Goal Accomplished...

So she has been showing signs for awhile that it was time to say "eat my dust training wheels" so we took them off. It was like a Fieldin flashback when he rode his big boy bike for the first time. Jeff and I went out prepared for many days of practice and probably a few crashes.. but both our kiddos shocked us. Gret got her bike to the end of the drive way. Jeff steadied it for her and then all of a sudden she was gone. Off the curb headed down the street... us with our jaws dropped open once again.. life must be easier when you are fearless, hey kiddos....
speeding around the 'hood.. she can take curbs like nobodies business.
So proud of you Greta. You just discovered a whole world of freedom before you... well freedom as in as long as I can see you, and you have a helmet on.. and you take your brother... ahem.

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