Thursday, January 6, 2011

On The 35th Year Of My Life

I am enjoying my birthday.
I usually don't like my birthday but this year it feels very special and I am very excited to be 35. Which really surprises me...
First off, THANK YOU for all the Birthday texts, postings, calls, cards and rememberances.
I am so lucky to have all of you in my life everyday and love you all. You will never know how much I appreciate you all. I am a lucky gal.
Before I tear up.. onto the post.
The nice thing about an early January bday is that I get an extra fresh start with a birthday/new year combo pack. I have decided my birthday word this year is EXPLORE. Not just in the travel sense but I have lots of exploring to do.
Explore: my cookbooks, my fears, my dreams, my friendships, memories, country roads, language, my hobbies, books, asphalt, Saturday markets, beaches, mountain passes and metro spots. You get the jest. I can't wait. My kids are getting bigger and more independent. I need to explore within and find my self again. I hope this year proves to be a good journey.
I would love to hear if any of you have birthday words this year to share as they come around.
Much love everyone.
Jeff- Only about 8 1/2 more hours til' Birthday pass off.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Happy Birthday my friend! It has been a true pleasure getting to know you these last few months. I consider you and your family one of the many (and best) gifts that God has given me with our move.
I look forward to seeing you explore this year! You are already so much more courageous than me in that regard! I wouldn't even choose the word for fear I'd have to actually do something about it:) I'll choose a different word when March rolls around.
Thank you too for the arm warmers, they are cozy!
Continue to rock 35!