Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Little Effort In 2011

I am not a resolution person.
Nonetheless, I am going to try to do certain things more or less in 2011.
This post will be my reminder.
1. Floss- not because I've given into the nagging, because it is good for me.
2. Stop giving Fieldin yogurt to eat before errands. Finding strawberry yogurt dried in his hair at the grocery store is embarrassing.
3. Stop wearing workout pants when I am not working out.
4. Less mochas and lattes. How many times have you read this one on the blog?.
5. Learn how to cable knit.
6. Stop staying up way too late reading, which will effect #4.
7. Cook more soup.
8. Plant more flowers.
9. Work on my imitations of Batman, barking dogs, sheep, Mickey Mouse and Cinderella.
10. Make it to the bus stop on time. One can dream.....
11. Draw. Paint. Get messy again.
12. Buy myself some new socks. Buy Jeff new socks since I ruined his.
13. Take more responsibility for filling my gas tank.
14. Sweep under the sofa.
15. Actually change the batteries in the kids toys. No matter how annoying they are. The toys I mean, not the kids...ahem.


Sara said...

Very much with you on 3, 5 and 6. I am also going to try to finish the yard and run a half marathon.

Maybe I need to make a blog to remind me every day. Or make a big sign above my computer!

Cherisa said...

Good luck with not staying up late. I still can't seem to get to bed before 11 these days!