Monday, January 24, 2011

Dairy Rehab

So there is a reason, I haven't been blogging much. I am in Dairy Rehab.
Five days ago I gave up Dairy. All Dairy. Anything with a trace of dairy.
The withdrawal symptoms have been tough, I must admit, even ugly at times. Without going into gruesome details I am mostly suffering from random headaches(which I never get) some muscle aches, fatigue, a little nausea and more headaches.
I've always had issues with dairy products so this new dairy-free life was brought on mostly to stop what was a potential allergen for me and for better health. My other reasons are more for environmental and social issues( don't worry, I won't get into the details of those either!)
I am not a dairy hater. This was just a choice I made that I am very content with. As for my family, they have decided to go partly dairy free with me. If they decide it's not for them I totally understand.
Before I started, I ordered three dairy-free books for reference, spent a hour at the supermarket reading labels and another half hour going through our pantry.
So far it really hasn't been much of a life change except for withdrawal symptoms(seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!) and tweaking recipes.
I haven't had any dairy cravings. Actually seeing or smelling cheese or milk at this point is kinda gross.
As for now, I am hanging in there, drinking lots of fluids, taking it easy and looking forward to the next few days when I can finally say bye bye to dairy rehab and hello to a new way of eating.
And if you were wondering, I don't have to give up dark chocolate. I found certified dairy free dark chocolate at my local store. Chocolate I am not ever giving up. NEVER!!!!

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