Sunday, November 14, 2010

Say What? I'm A Soccer Mom.....

I guess I could be classified as a soccer mom. I now spend time chillen(literally) at an indoor soccer complex . I said it would never happen, forfeiting my beloved Saturday mornings. Yet here I am, with a calendar of crossed out Saturdays and breakfasts on the run(a handful of Pirate's Booty and a 16 oz mocha, is my guess) in my future. At first I will be cheering and smiling with delight at my little prodigies, but as time goes by I will be huddled on a bench with a bag of knitting, magazines, snacks and watching the big clock tick away... Goodbye Saturdays. Hello, up at sunrise on a weekend. I only have myself to blame. I do enjoy it, don't get me wrong. Fieldin watching his big sister play...when he wasn't running up and down the ramps.

Greta and her very high Rockette Goal kick.

The rest of the week has been spent enjoying dads visit, walking among piles of leaves, listening to Miss Greta read and then listening some more, homework, party planning, ignoring dishes, watching football (way to go Cougs! Finally!!!!) , seeing all the holiday happiness in the stores and realizing Christmas is creeping up on me...Quickly!, and making paper sack Indian vests for kinders (thanks to the help of two lovely, patient ladies) that will be decorated by kiddos for a Thanksgiving party. I appreciated the help. My paper vests were looking more Janis Joplin then early pilgrim. We have been enjoying a houseful of guests this month and starting to look forward to the holidays coming our way.
Now it is time to play a little catch up around here and wait for Turkey Day...

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