Sunday, November 14, 2010

Because This Made Me Laugh

If and's and but's were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

Fieldin playing in playroom remembering a trip to get a burger with grandpa:
(speaking into his play cash register speaker) Age 2 years 1 mth.
"hellloooo. This is Burgerville. You want burger? I want fry" Have nice daaaaaay!"

Greta: "MOOOOMMY! Fieldin dropped a wooden toaster on my foot!"
Me: "I'm sorry. Tell him that's not nice."
pitter patter, pitter patter..little feet down the stairs. Then Fieldin staring at me arms clasped in front of him.
Fieldin" Mooommy? I drop toaster. Greta ok, it was fuuuuuunny!! giggle giggle.

Greta: (playing store with Fieldin) "you sure are good at shopping". "you want to buy these groceries" "it's one million dollars."
Fieldin:"one million dollars?? I get credit card".

I could sit in the hallway outside their playroom and type their conversations for hours. I love how they can communicate now, even if it means conspiring against me. I love them telling each other "secrets"and giggling over a joke together. I've been calling Fieldin "Lassie" lately. If a friend or Greta is hurt he runs for help. "Greta Hurt! Hurry!" he waits for me to follow after and then takes me to the crime scene. Thanks Lassie, good boy. Luckily the "hurt" person has usually bounded back and returned to playing and Fieldin says "you all right?"

Kind of a hodge podge blog post today. Kind of a hodge podge Monday. So I guess that's o.k.

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