Thursday, November 4, 2010

Afternoon Routine..

I guess we are finally in the swing of things and there is a routine emerging to our weekedays.
Fieldin and I wait for the big yellow bus to pull up and we run out to the porch to wave at Greta and the bus driver. Greta then comes in the house throws her coat, backpack, socks, shoes etc all over the entry hall. She speaks a mile a minute about the bus ride and what's in her backpack. Fieldin gets bored at this point and starts digging in the pantry for a snack. I sit down and see all the beautiful schoolwork Gret has brought home for me.
Then we have lunch. They both are STARVING, they tell me. They both want juice and have to have the same thing to eat.

Then Greta reads to Fieldin. I love this.
Then they get all goofy and chase each other and play. They snuggle up together and tell secrets and giggle.

Then off to naptime for pudge(on a good day) and more reading with Miss Greta.
We are still trying to get down a morning routine. We usually only make the bus on time by the skin of our teeth. We end up driving since we never have time to walk. Since chubs is in the cube, he always wants a morning joyride, as we call it. He says"I like it, wheee fun". I've been using this time for errands and he is my wonderful helper. When I am about two miles from home he starts to notice and cries"no home, more drive in the woddsies" (he likes to drive by the river and see the pretty Fall colors in the trees). We get home. He has ANOTHER snack. We play. We read. We go outside. Then we wait patiently for Gret's bus.
Routines are nice. I never thought I'd say that.

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